Audi charging hub

Customer Care & Location Management

The Audi charging hub in Nuremberg transforms charging time for electric vehicles into time that can be put to good use, complete with a premium experience. With covered HPC fast-charging stations and an adjoining lounge area, the charging hub offers various ways to bridge the duration of charging - whether working or relaxing.

CUBE brand communications is tasked with welcoming and looking after the guests. In addition, CUBE bc is available as a support for the charging processes and technical matters (payment processes and reservations) and helps with all the guests' concerns. Furthermore CUBE bc takes over supporting tasks in the area of event management for events that take place in the Audi charging hub.

The client is Audi Services und Events GmbH, which operates the Audi charging hub.

Current job applications for the project can be found here.


CUBE brand communications GmbH
Eichstätter Straße 40
85117 Eitensheim

Sponsoring partner of
ERC Ingolstadt LogoFC Ingolstadt Logo

created by RED RAM MEDIA
